Every job ad contains an "Apply online" button. Click on this and you will be automatically redirected to our application form. After you have completed this and uploaded everything, your application is ready to send. Please only use this option; applications by post or email will not be considered.
Can I send an unsolicited application?
If you cannot find the right job among our advertised positions, you can send us an unsolicited application. In your unsolicited application, describe your idea of the job you would like to do in the future.
Can I apply for more than one job at the same time?
In principle, you can apply for as many jobs as you are interested in, and this will not create any disadvantages for you. We look forward to your application!
What benefits does PNE offer its employees?
Working for us means a job that is both secure and exciting, where you can contribute as well as develop your talents: in Europe, North America, Africa or Asia.
We have explained the benefits for our employees in more detail here.
You can find all the instructions for uploading your documents in our applicant portal. We recommend uploading PDF files, but DOCX files or similar are also possible. Please make sure that your file attachments do not exceed 15 MB overall.
Who do I contact if there are problems or I have technical questions about the application?
If you have any questions or problems regarding your application, our recruiting team will be happy to help you at any time. Just get in touch with our contact persons.
Yes, your data are safe with us and are stored, managed and protected in accordance with the GDPR. Your personal data will not be used for any other purposes, only to fill future vacancies. You have the right to view and/or delete your data at any time.
Can I remove my profile from the PNE applicant pool? What happens to my data in that case?
Yes, you can ask for your profile to be removed from the applicant pool at any time. Simply send us an email at recruiting(at)pne-ag.com. In that case, your data will be deleted immediately.